Making Canada our newest state is a terrific idea. It’s open- minded and out-of-the-box thinking. Certainly, I’ve never heard it discussed among my over-educated friends who have been content with 50 states (short-sighted).
Personally, I would have chosen someplace warmer for #51, probably a lush island, and I've always loved Costa Rica (but there is still time). Nevertheless, Canada is a solid choice, especially because they speak a version of English, except for the longer vowel sounds and mother country English influence.
All in all, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages- think about it; we will finally get the Canadian Bake-Off Show and there will be an abundance of hockey to watch. Best of all, there will no longer be a Canada or US side of Niagara Falls (or is it America Falls?). The water will all be USA, as God intended, and those barrel jumpers don’t have to chose – just jump.
I’m all for it…. As soon as we figure out a few of the practical details. There are many but my concerns are as follows:
1. Will Canada get a bigger star because it will be our biggest state? Personally, that doesn’t seem fair to Alaska or Texas who were biggest firstest.
2. Where will we put all those former Canadians who will rush, crush, cross and trample the borders in their haste to move here? Do we need a wall? Should I rent my guest room?
3. Most importantly, assuming the sensitive Canadians don’t think we are waging war, just being neighborly, where exactly should we place the 51st star?
Buy Not The Trip We Planned before all those Canadians snap them up in an effort to seem more like us. Thank you to Alfredo Botello, novelist and screenwriter, author of Spin Cycle, 180 Days. He writes,
“Not The Trip We Planned is a much-needed reminder that passion and relevance have nothing to do with age, but rather our internal selves, the choices we make, and Chickie and Maddy have chosen to live life on their terms, in a fullness and engagement this reader admires.”
He likes me, he really like me!!!
Hey, Chickie--with you acute eye for wardrobe details I was surprised you missed proposing the advantage of accessing the new state of Canada and having to re-design the uniform for their Mounties. Clearly they would need to look less like frontier versions of Buckingham Palace horse guards and somehow more north-of-the=Great Lakes Uncle Sam. Given that I hope there is a short life expectancy for MAGA/Musk style I'd like you to start designing some kind of Old Glory on horseback outfit, maybe also insulated or floatable because we don't know what global climate change portends. Love, Maddy