Long ago, far away, in a Galaxy where Edward R. Murrow announced the news, we had facts. As I recall, facts were generally things that were known to be true – like wearing white slacks brings on menstruation, or eating donuts is not quite as healthy as eating kale salad. Unwelcome for sure, but there is proof, so we accept these facts.
Then we moved into alternative facts which seem to be, “I have very, very strong feelings and I respect my feelings so they must true". Too often this way of thinking translates into facts such as: guns do not kill school children, people kill school children, so automatic weapons are acceptable. I found alternative facts to be a terrifying stage. Little did I know that it was simply transitional.
NOW, we have transcended all that. We are free to skip facts altogether, they were cumbersome. I’m no longer bound to investigate and find proof like the old days, or even to have crackpot feelings supported by delusional ideas. I’m free. If we go with this plan, I can blog freely, discuss the 645th amendment, create a new weight loss plan based on roasting people’s pets, or develop my very own conspiracy theory – all without being hampered by knowledge of any type. Having transcended facts, I already feel more empowered to comment on anything and everything.
I think I’m on the path to becoming an influencer.